How to Clean and Maintain Porcelain Floor Tiles

21 Dec, 2022
How to Clean and Maintain Porcelain Floor Tiles

Whether adorning your kitchen, bathroom, or living spaces, porcelain tiles can enhance the aesthetics of any room.

However, to preserve their beauty and longevity, it's crucial to understand the proper cleaning and maintenance routines.

In this post, we will delve into the world of porcelain floor tiles, exploring everything from daily care to deep cleaning methods, ensuring your tiles shine brilliantly for years to come.

Daily Maintenance

Maintaining porcelain floor tiles begins with a daily cleaning routine. The aim is to prevent dirt, grime, and stains from accumulating. Start by sweeping or vacuuming the floor to remove loose debris.

A microfiber mop dampened with water or a pH-balanced porcelain tile cleaner can then be used for a quick wipe-down.

Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the porcelain's glaze.

Grout Care

Grout is an integral part of porcelain tile installations, and it too requires regular care. To keep grout lines clean and free from discoloration, use a grout sealer after installation.

Weekly, gently scrub the grout lines with a soft brush and a mild grout cleaner. For stubborn stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to prevent residue buildup.

JIAN SERIES floor tiles


Preventive Measures

Preventing damage is as crucial as cleaning. Place doormats at entryways to reduce dirt and moisture tracking.

Felt pads on furniture legs can prevent scratches, while using rugs in high-traffic areas minimizes wear.

Consider placing a tray beneath potted plants to catch excess water. Also, avoid dragging heavy objects across the tiles as this can lead to chipping or cracks.

Deep Cleaning

Regular deep cleaning, depending on foot traffic, should be part of your porcelain tile maintenance routine. For this, use a pH-balanced tile cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar.

Apply it to the floor and let it sit for a few minutes to break down dirt and grime. Then, scrub with a soft-bristle brush or a mop with a scrubbing pad. Rinse thoroughly and ensure no cleaner residue remains.

Dealing with Stains

Stains on porcelain tiles can be unsightly. Different stains require specific treatment. For oil-based stains, such as food or grease, use a mild detergent and warm water.

Organic stains, like coffee or wine, can often be removed with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Tougher stains may require a commercial porcelain stain remover. Always test in an inconspicuous area first.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

While porcelain tiles are robust, harsh chemicals can damage the glaze over time.

Avoid ammonia-based cleaners, bleach, and abrasive cleaning pads.

These can dull the finish and lead to a lackluster appearance.

Stick to pH-balanced or porcelain-specific cleaners to ensure the tiles stay vibrant and stain-resistant.



Grout Renewal

Over time, grout can become discolored or damaged. Consider periodic grout renewal.

You can purchase grout pens or use a mixture of water and a grout-renewal product to refresh the grout lines.

This not only improves the appearance but also adds an extra layer of protection against moisture infiltration.


Some porcelain tiles may require sealing, especially those with natural stone finishes.

Consult your tile manufacturer's recommendations for sealing frequency.

Proper sealing helps prevent stains and moisture absorption, preserving the tiles' pristine appearance.


Porcelain floor tiles are a timeless choice for homeowners, offering elegance and durability.

By adhering to a regular cleaning and maintenance routine, you can ensure that your porcelain tiles retain their luster and beauty for many years to come.

From daily sweeps to periodic deep cleans, preventive measures to grout care, these steps will help you enjoy your porcelain floor tiles to the fullest, maintaining their appeal and functionality throughout the seasons.

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